Pastor Jason Taylor

Jason Taylor was raised in Prairie City, went to college at Iowa State University, and is a currently a commissioned pastor. He’s married to the wonderful and talented music teacher Andrea (Brummel) Taylor, and has two awesome sons - Carson and Owen Taylor. In his spare time, Jason knits, like Humphrey Bogart films, and is trying to learn his eighth guitar chord.

Lorena Van Der Kamp

Lorena Van Der Kamp has been serving faithfully at First Reformed for over 34 years as the administrative assistant and says she looks at this position as a ministry rather than a job.

Kari Van Wyk

Kari Van Wyk recently joined the FRC team, focusing on helping out Lorena and working on Social Media. Kari is married to Jordin Van Wyk a local farmer and has two daughters; Hadley and Kinsley.